In today’s sophisticated era, many previously impossible things have become possible. It used to be that earning money without working was almost impossible. But now anything is possible, provided that you have sufficient capital.
Let the money work by making various investments in stocks, government bonds, mutual funds, and some promising investment platforms. But this method takes a long time because investments generally take years to start paying off. And waiting for the long investment results, like it or not, have to work.
How to Copy Trade on XM
Well, what if there are questions like this: How to get money? – One way that you can make money continuously is to copy forex trading at one of the leading brokers such as xm copytrade. You don’t have to be proficient in forex trading, but it is quite possible to make a lot of money from the movements of the forex market. It is enough to ‘copy’ traders who are already professional and have been proven to earn from their transaction history. The method is very easy, and just take a few simple steps to get started.
Copy trading is now becoming very popular because it is one of the easy ways to make money from the internet. There are many copy trading providers in the world, but the most popular is XM copy trading. In this post, I focus more on discussing how to copy trading from XM.
Best XM trade copy
To get the best signal on XM, there are a few things to consider before copying a signal, including:
• Look at the risk score, the lower the better, the higher the risk of losing investment funds is higher. Scores 1 and 2 have low risk, scores 3 and 4 have moderate risk, while scores 5 and 6 indicate a very risky signal.
• See the increase in the balance achieved by master traders in the last 3 months, the higher the better for copying
• The trading period of the signal also needs to be considered, the longer the trading period, the more tested the trading strategy will be.
• The number of copiers can also be a consideration, if in the last 3 months there has been a large increase, it means that the trade signal has a good performance.
• A small amount of commission with large results will certainly be very profitable for traders.
And there are still some other considerations that must be considered, for example, how much is the minimum investment, how is the floating profit, and so on. So those are the best XM copy trade tips that can be a reference in copying profitable signals. There are also brokers that you can try, namely simple fx, to find out information about simple fx review.
How to Become a Copier at XM Copy Trading
The first thing to do is to register at XM copy trading. The registration method is very easy, then all you have to do is deposit with the various payment methods you can. Deposits are as easy as bank transfers, or any of the most preferred payment methods. If there is already a balance in your account wallet, then all you have to do is select the master trader you want to copy. Look for the best master trader according to your wishes, then just click start ‘copying’. Before copying, also pay attention to the recommended minimum deposit amount.
Then automatically the trading position of the master trader will be copied. Then it remains only to set the percentage of the deposit so that your allocation of funds can be arranged and divided into several of the best master traders. You have complete freedom to control your funds and set the best strategy.
Monitor the performance of your copy trading, there are many professional master traders to copy. Choose some of the best of them and see the most stable returns from the trading portfolio. You are free to copy, modify, or stop copying at any time. For detailed results from the master trader that you have copied, see the copier area.
This is how to get money quickly, with various benefits that you can get. Get stable and continuous profits by choosing the best and more experienced traders to copy.
How to Become a Master Trader at XM
Master traders at XM are parties whose trading activities are followed by copiers. In other words, if the master trader carries out trading activities, then similar activities are automatically followed by the copiers. Then where does the master get additional income from his activities? A master trader at XM earns additional commissions per lot and shares commissions from his copiers. For example, if you are a master trader with a copier of 20 people, then set a 30 percent commission sharing, then when your trading activity makes a profit of $ 10, the commission you get is 20 people x ($ 10 x 30 %) = $ 60.
What must be prepared by a master trader is of course qualified trading knowledge (having a trading strategy that has produced), sufficient trading capital must be sufficient, providing a place to be able to interact with copiers (eg WhatsApp, Instagram, etc.), and responsibility of course.
The way to become an XM master trader is to have an XM account. After logging in to the trading account, please create a real account and save the real account data in the notes so that you can open mt4 or mt5. As additional information, you can create a maximum of 5 real accounts to be registered as master copy trading. Then enter the copy trading area and select the master area, then prepare your mt4 account for registration.
Fill in the required data, starting with the minimum deposit for the copier. For settings that use ‘equal’ and ‘proportional’. Set a fixed commission per lot or commission share, description, and most importantly a link to public chat. At the bottom select ‘create’, then your master account is ready.