Being accepted as a new student at a well-known university has pride for oneself, family, siblings, area of origin, considering that not all High School graduates can be accepted either through the test without a test or with a test. Being able to pass the entrance selection certainly already has the provision of intellectual intelligence, because it can do the test questions well. Strategies to work on the questions have been learned since in middle school or tutoring.
Studying in middle school and in college is very different. When in high school the teacher has a very big role to guide, direct, assist, and provide motivation, in addition to parents and family. When students all must be decided by themselves and study independently.
It is worrisome that many students today feel unsure of being able to enter and study in their favorite college. Therefore, be confident and prepare from now on.
Today there are many good choices of international universities. Like the Wells International School, the University was founded in 1999 and now serves more than 750 students representing more than 12 countries. For more information about Wells School, you can visit it at
In this discussion, we will explain some tips that can be applied to increase your chances of being accepted into tertiary education.
1. Preparing College Plans Early

Starting to prepare everything from the beginning allows you to develop plans to prepare for college preparation in the future. Where you can start increasing grades in each subject at school, take college preparation courses, and find as much information as possible about which major and which college to go to.
2. Get to know yourself well
Before applying to your favorite college, you must really know what your goals and ambitions are, your strengths, and why you want to continue studying. The main thing you need to do when recognizing yourself is to focus on your area of strength.
3. Get Support from Families and Closest People
You can ask for advice and recommendations from parents or relatives about your favorite college. Don’t worry about the financial problems you face right now, because there are many scholarships and other sources of financial assistance available for you to study.
4 Asking for Suggestions with Teachers at School

You certainly have a guardian teacher or an exemplary teacher who can be consulted about the choice of majors and which college is right for you. You can ask them about tips and tricks about the standard test procedures that will be passed, exhibitions of favorite colleges, or learn from the experience of a senior level who has successfully entered college. The advice given by a teacher will really help you to determine the best course of study to be followed.
5. Focus on Studying and Taking Courses to Graduate in Favorite Colleges

To qualify and be accepted at your favorite college, you must pass an entrance examination and face other students who have the same intention to enter college.
If you can beat an existing competitor, then you will most likely be accepted and qualify for your favorite college. Consider yourself taking a preparatory course for your favorite college entrance exam.
By applying the 5 tips above, we hope you can have the opportunity to obtain the desired tertiary education.